The Tsinghua International Relations Data & Computing Lab (DCLab@Tsinghua) is an applied learning environment that connects faculty and graduate students from several departments and schools at Tsinghua and elsewhere who have extensive experience in both quantitative international political economy and international security, including a broad range of research questions in the areas of foreign aid, trade, FDI, armed conflict, political violence and arms sales.
We have three broad missions:Research: To promote studies on key issues in global governance, establish IR data computing platforms, advance IR methodologies, especially statistical methods, thus evaluating the causal effects of major policies on global governance and developing the scientific warning system for global governance. (see Projects)
Teaching: To expand its academic influence, spread academic achievements, extend academic networks, and gather academic resources through teaching and training series, and to provide students with opportunities for both research participation and independent research guidance. (see Courses)
Service: To provide service on programming and research to students and faculty through trainings on data processing, statistical techniques, programming languages, and other scientific authoring software, such as R, LaTeX, coordinating with the School of Social Sciences and the Department of International Relations. (see Events)
In fulfilling these missions, we bring together scholars and students attuned to the research frontier and with advanced capabilities in causal inference, applied statistics, programming, web scraping and geospatial analysis.
The DCLab@Tsinghua is generously supported by the Department of International Relations and the Institute of International Relations at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
[News]Subscribe the Lab's offical Wechat Account
[New publication] Chong Chen and Xun Pang published a new paper on terrorist attacks prediction using GIS and Split Population Duration Models at the journal Foreign Affairs Review (外交评论). Link to the paper.